MATLAB: Access to Excel-Worksheet-Cells Property

excel property cellsMATLAB

I want to access some excel data with a loop over some rows and columns. With vba, I am used to do this with the cell-property (!). That's my attemp in matlab:
excelObject = actxserver('Excel.Application');
excelObject.Visible = 1;
oWorkbook = excelObject.Workbooks.Open('C:\abc.xls');
oWorksheet = oWorkbook.Sheets.Item(1);
% Here I want to get the address of cell B2:
disp oWorksheet.Cells(2,2).Address;
% The error Index exceeds matrix dimensions occures
It looks like matlab wants to use the Cell-Property as an array – not as a property with two arguments.
How can I access the Cells-Property? I tried the "get"-Function, but this doesn't help me.

Best Answer

use this: