MATLAB: Abbreviate acces to struct fields

dot indexingMATLABstructures

Hello everyone,
i often need to acces a struct field like
sturcture.firstLevel.secondLevel.thirdLevel = 1
Now my question is: Is there a way to abbreviate this long code? Something like defining a pointer.
For example:
sThird = pointer(sturcture.firstLevel.secondLevel.thirdLevel)
Whereas from now I could substitute
Is there a way to do this, so my code is to long?
Thank you for your time reading this.

Best Answer

With structures, no it's not possible. Matlab does not support pointers/reference to variables. The workaround is to define a new variable, use that variable to do whatever you wanted to do, and then reassign that variable back to the structure
sThird = structure.firstLevel.secondLevel.thirdLevel;
%do something with sThird
structure.firstLevel.secondLevel.thirdLevel = sThird;
The only other way would be for the content of that thirdLevel field to be a handle class object that wrap whatever it is you store in there. In my opinion, this would be a waste of time just to offer shorter typing in the editor.
edit: forgot another option, which I also don't think is a good idea, use getfield and setfield:
field = {'firstlevel', 'secondlevel', 'thirdLevel'};
value = getfield(structure, field);
setfield(structure, field, someothervalue);