MATLAB: Create a 1 x m Structure instead of a 1×1 Structure

MATLABstructure arraysturcture

Im tring to create a 1 x m structure instead of a 1×1. When doing the following, it creates a 1×1 struct
MySturcture.FirstField = [1:100]
MySturcture.SecondField = [1:100]
I would like to open the struct to the fields being side by side (1×2 structure), displaying all of the data, similar to the image in this question.
[FirstField] [SecondField]
1 1
2 2
3 3
etc.. etc..
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

S = struct('FirstField',num2cell(1:100), 'SecondField',num2cell(1:100))