MATLAB: 3D Plotting with Vectors and Meshgrid

3d plotsmeshgrid

I want to create a 3D plot for something that is very similar to the example in meshgrid (below)
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-2:.2:2, -2:.2:2);
Z = X .* exp(-X.^2 - Y.^2);
Basically, I have vectors in my definition of Z and I am unsure about how to handle this. My definition of Z is
Z = mean((S - (X*A+Y)).^2);
S and A are vector quantities so this line doesn't make sense. The only solution I can think of here is to create a 3D meshgrid where the third dimension of the length of my vectors S and A (they are the same length). I think this could get tricky though. Is there an easier way.
Example: I have two vectors P and Q like these:
P = [zeros(1, 30) ones(1,40) zeros(1,30)] + .1*randn(1,100);
Q=3.4.*([zeros(1, 30) ones(1,40) zeros(1,30)] + .1.*randn(1,100))+5.3;
Because Q is scaled and offset finding the mean squared error between them directly is pointless.
MSE = mean((P-Q).^2);
this MSE doesn't mean much because Q is offset and scaled. I re-define MSE:
myMSE = mean((P-(a*Q+b)).^2)
where a and b are scalars. What I would like to do is plot myMSE as a function of both a and b. IE a is on the x-axis and b is on the y axis and Z is the value for myMSE.

Best Answer

There are times when, much as I love to mess with matrices and/or bsxfun, a for-loop is just the easiest way to go:
Z = zeros(size(X));
n = length(A);
for k = 1:n
Z = Z + (S(k) - (X*A(k)+Y)).^2;
Z = Z/n;
(I'm assuming that the length of A and S is not related to the size of X and Y, and that you want to average over that dimension -- ie average over the values of A and S.)
EDIT TO ADD: based on the comments below, here's the whole workflow in one easy script :)
EDIT AGAIN: using P & Q as added to the question
% Make example vectors P & Q
P = [zeros(1, 30) ones(1,40) zeros(1,30)] + .1*randn(1,100);
Q=3.4.*([zeros(1, 30) ones(1,40) zeros(1,30)] + .1.*randn(1,100))+5.3;
% Assuming Q = xP + y, look for best x and y
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-10:.2:10, -10:.2:10);
n = length(P);
Z = zeros(size(X));
for k = 1:n
Z = Z + (Q(k) - (X*P(k)+Y)).^2;
Z = Z/n;
% Get initial guess by clicking on the graph
x0 = ginput(1)
f = @(x) mean((Q - (x(1)*P+x(2))).^2);
xmin = fminsearch(f,x0)
% xmin should be about [3.4,5.3]
% Easier way? Do linear fit!
xmin2 = polyfit(P,Q,1)
% Look similar...?
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