MATLAB: 3D plotting on 3 D axis….

basic 3d plotting on 3d axis

I have 3D room with X,Y,Z dimensions. I need to represent the temperature in this room, and the values changing with positions. So for the dimensions below I have 27 values.
For example:
X[1 2 3]; Y[1 2 3]; Z[1 2 3];

Best Answer

It sounds like you don't have a completely solid 3D volumetric image, like an (x,y,z) triplet for every single possible (x,y,z) location, and just have scattered data at a few of the possible locations. Perhaps you can use scatter3()?
scatter3(x, y, z, sizes, colors);
You'd set up colors to be different colors depending on the value of T. This would be like a 2.5D perspective rendering of a scatterplot of a bunch of points where the points colors depends on their temperature.
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