MATLAB: 3D plotting of experimental data


hello there,i have data to be plotted to show spatial and temporal variation of a variable MUF but i dont know how to do it in matlab .i have attached the excel
file containing the data and an image of the expected outcome .please help

Best Answer

This should get you started:
[D,S,R] = xlsread('predicted MUF day(12).xls');
Time = D(:,1);
MUF_Distc = regexp(S, '\w*\d', 'match');
MUF_Dist = str2double([MUF_Distc{:}]);
MUF_Data = D(:,2:end);
surfc(MUF_Dist, Time, MUF_Data, 'EdgeColor','none')
grid on
set(gca, 'YDir','reverse')
xlabel('Distance (km)')
ylabel('Time (UT)')
zlabel('MUF (MHz)')
view([-110 25])