MATLAB: Contours at a specific height from the surface || surfc


Is it possible to add the contours at a specific height from the surface plot using surc? I have seen that the contours are closely attached with the surface plot. Here, I have attached the Z data. The range of X axis and Y axis is from 0 to 11. I put the Z data accordingly. Here, You can see that the contours are very close with the surface and very difficult to see the individual countour. When I rorate the 3D plots, some of the contours are visible, however, they are still very close. Is there any way to separe the countours and the surface plots?

Best Answer

One way to put some distance between the surfc plot and the contours is with: Customizing contour plots part 2
If you want to show the contour lines on the surf plot, try this:
D = load('Surface_Data.mat');
B = D.B;
hold on
contour3(B, 'r', 'LineWidth',2)
hold off
grid on
Experiment to get the result you want.