MATLAB: 32bits save as int32

Image Processing Toolboxint32 tiftif 32bits

Hi there,
I have a 32bit tif image . This image is 'single' but Matlab assumes by default 32bit means int32 and when the image is open with imread() the image is binary. I would to read the image using grey scale. How can I do this? I´ve tried itconvert in double but the image is open as binary image.
Any help would be very much appreciated , thanks

Best Answer

If you look at imfinfo() of the file, you can see that the headers say it is a collection of nine images with 32 bit signed integer. If it is intended to be single instead, then the metadata is wrong.
for IDX = 1 : 9
imgint32 = imread('lh.average.CURVATURE.tif','index',IDX);
imgsingle{IDX} = reshape(typecast(imgint32(:), 'single'), size(img32));