MATLAB: 32Bit RGBA Image

MATLABrgba micromanger 32bitrgba

i read via MicroMager Core succseedfull images in Graymode – But the device give me an 32bit RGBA Image that would not
display with function imshow()
import mmcorej.*
mmc = CMMCore;
mmc.loadSystemConfiguration ('C:\Program Files\Micro-Manager-2.0gamma\DijSDKcameraMgr.cfg');
imgRaw = mmc.getLastImage(); %mmc.snapImage(); %img = mmc.getImage();
pixelType = 'uint8';%8BIT GRAY default
if depth == 4
pixelType = 'uint32';%32BIT RGBA can't display img as 32BIT RGBA only 16Bit RGB is possible ?
elseif depth == 2
pixelType = 'uint16';%16BIT RGB not supportet by Micromanger normaly 32bit or 8bit
img = typecast(imgRaw,pixelType);
img = reshape(img, [width, height]);
img = transpose(img);
cla reset;
mmc.unloadAllDevices(); %complettly destruct MMCore
How i can convert tzhe image correctly ? The Funktion image(img) Display an point cloud of image, but not in real colors given from map…
thx for any suggestions
Karsten (

Best Answer

"My Camera give me back an RGBA Image R8|G8|B8|A8 = 32 Bit"
"size is : width*height*(bpp/3)"
Shouldn't that be width*height*(bpp/4) ?
Assuming it's 4 bytes per pixel, and that imgRaw is indeed of class uint8:
img = permute(reshape(imgRaw, 4, width, height), [3, 2, 1])
imgRGB = img(:, :, 1:3); %discard alpha channel which is all 0
This assumes that the image pixel are stored in row-major order, which your code also assumed.