MATLAB: 31 ●5 How to use Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm in matlab


I am new in matlab. I've been browsing for few hours and I'm still getting errors. I want to know how to use dtw algorithm in matlab and I want to know the output of these two audio files using dtw algorithm. this is my code:
fftNyol = fft(audioread('C:\Users\handy\Documents\MATLAB\my_recording_1.wav'));
fftFajar = fft(audioread('C:\Users\handy\Documents\MATLAB\fajar.wav'));
dist = dtw(fftNyol,fftFajar);
this is error message from matlab:
Error using zeros
Requested 137281x87361 (89.4GB) array exceeds maximum array size preference. Creation of arrays greater than this limit
may take a long time and cause MATLAB to become unresponsive. See array size limit or preference panel for more
Error in dtw (line 27)
D=zeros(ns+1,nt+1)+Inf; % cache matrix
Error in test (line 15)
dist = dtw(fftNyol,fftFajar);

Best Answer

You are not using Mathworks dtw() from the signal processing toolbox. Mathworks dtw() has comments at line 27.
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