MATLAB: Error while using melcepst

isolated speechMATLAB

i am doing a project on voice recognition, in order to compare i am using melcepst here is the code snippet
input_signal_1=wavread('andrea hello.wav');
input_signal_2=wavread('john hello.wav');
[ceps_1,freqresp,fb,fbrecon,freqrecon] =mfcc(input_signal_1, 16000);
[ceps_2,freqresp,fb,fbrecon,freqrecon] =mfcc(input_signal_2, 16000);
% measure the distance between ceps_1 and ceps_2
% distance_measured=disteusq(ceps_1, ceps_2); % this was giving me big values, so
% distance_average=mean(distance_measured) % i used the distance function f % below
distance_measured=distance(ceps_1, ceps_2);
i am getting error as Error using mffc
Undefined function 'mffc' for input arguments of type 'double'.
Error using melcepst instead of mffc
Too many output arguments.

Best Answer

mfcc does not appear to be part of MATLAB. It appears to be a routine from the File Exchange . You will need to download it and install it.
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