MATLAB: 2D convolution in in Matlab.

digital image processingImage Processing Toolbox

I = imread ("lena.jpg");
K = I;
C = conv2(I, K);
I am expecting something like the following as indicated in this link .
But, my output is blank:
What could be the possible reason?
And, how can I obtain the expected output?

Best Answer

What could be the possible reason? And, how can I obtain the expected output?
imshow expects that that intensity of a double image is in the range [0-1]. By default, anything less than 0 is displayed as black, and anything more than 1 is displayed as 1.
You can override that behaviour by passing a different range as the 2nd input to imshow or letting imshow use the intensity range of your image by passing []. So:
imshow(C, [])
should fix your problem.
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