MATLAB: What is the wrong in this code

dspfft2image processingImage Processing Toolbox

clear all
close all
lena = imread('eight.tif');
A = fftshift(fft2(lena));
S = imnoise(lena,'Gaussian',0,1);
% define spatial filters
h_gauss= fspecial('gaussian', 15, 1.0);
% results after spatial filtering
lena_h_gauss = imfilter(S, h_gauss, 'replicate');
% fourier transformed filters
H_gauss = fftshift(fft2(lena_h_gauss));
% filtering in frequency domain
Lena_H_gauss = S .* H_gauss;
lena_H_gauss = ifft2(ifftshift(Lena_H_gauss));
% print results
subplot(3,3,1); imshow(lena); title('Original Image');
subplot(3,3,2); imshow(lena_h_gauss); title('Gauss-Filtered Image');
subplot(3,3,3); imshow(real(log(Lena)), []); title('FT (Original Image)');
subplot(3,3,4); imshow(real(log(H_gauss)), []); title('FT (Gauss Filter)');
subplot(3,3,5); imshow(lena_H_gauss); title('Result FT Gauss');

Best Answer

S is complex and imfilter() doesn't work on complex images. You might have to work on the real and imaginary images one at a time.