MATLAB: 1×1 cell array dimension mismatch

string manipulation

Dear All,
It seems to be an easy question but has wasted my time for a couple of days! I have a 1×1 cell structure array that I would like to put data_path of two different files in it. I have two string matrices each containing one of these two files. I seem to not to be able to tell MATLAB to put both files in the same cell array, and I keep getting "subscripted assignment dimension mismatch". here is the example:
% for k=1:35 %{firstFilePath(k,1) secondFilePath(k,2)}; %end
subscripted assignment dimension mismatch
Thanks in advance for your inputs!

Best Answer

I'm not sure what the 35 is for but if you have a 1x1 cell array, ca, and you want to put two strings in it that are of different lengths the only way I know how to do it is to put the two strings into a structure and then put the structure into a cell.
structFilenames.filename1 = filename1;
structFilenames.filename2 = filename2;
ca = {structFilenames};
(I tried putting the strings into a 1x2 cell array and then putting that cell array into a single cell but it seemed not to work - it ended up creating a 2x1 cell array instead of a single cell with the 1x2 cell array inside it.)