There is a number, the second digit of which is smaller than its first digit by 4, and if the number


There is a number, the second digit of which is smaller than its first digit by 4, and if the number was divided by the digit's sum, the remainder would be 7.

Actually I know the answer is 623
I found it by using computer program which checks the conditions for all numbers but I wanted to know if there is a mathematical way to slove this problem.

Best Answer

One-digit case is impossible, since $4\not \equiv7 \mod 4$

Two-digit case: write number as $10(a+4)+a$.

$$10(a+4)+a \equiv 7 \mod (2a+4)$$

$$11a\equiv -33 \mod 2a+4$$

$$a+3 \equiv 0 \mod 2a+4$$

$$2(a+3) \equiv 2 \not \equiv 0 \mod 2a+4$$

Therefore, two-digit is impossible.

Three-digit case: Write number as $100(a+4)+10a+b$.

$$100(a+4)+10a+b\equiv 7 \mod (2a+b+4)$$

$$110a+b+400 \equiv 7 \mod (2a+b+4)$$

$$108a+396\equiv7 \mod (2a+b+4)$$

$$108a+389\equiv 0\mod (2a+b+4)$$

When $a=1$,

$$497\equiv 0 \mod b+6$$

Since $497=7\times 71$, $b+6=7$. However, we "do not want that", since the modulo must be greater than 7. "Remainder = 7" $\implies$ "Modulo > 7"

When $a=2$,

$$605 \equiv 0 \mod b+8$$

$605 = 5 \times 11^2$. Therefore, we can take $b+8=11 \implies b=3$.

Therefore our final answer is $\fbox{623}$.

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