[Math] Which is the largest three digit number which when divided by 6 leaves the remainder 5 and when divided by 5 leaves the remainder 3

elementary-number-theorymodular arithmetic

Which is the largest three digit number which when divided by 6 leaves the remainder 5 and when divided by 5 leaves the remainder 3?

What I did:

On division by 6 leaves remainder 5

So numbers are 6, 11, 17, 23

On division by 5 leaves remainder 3


So common number between the two is 23. Largest three digit number divisible by 23 is 989

But answer is 983. How?

This is a gmat exam question.

Best Answer

You don't want "divisible by $23$." $46$ is divisible by $23$ but it doesn't have the property you want.

You want a number which can be written $30k+23$, where $30=6\cdot 5$.

The general way to do this problem is called the Chinese Remainder Theorem.

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