Show that probability of drawing a white ball second time from an urn is independent of the additional balls added after the first draw


Suppose an urn contains 'w' white balls and 'b' black balls and a ball is drawn from it and is replaced along with 'd' additional balls of the same color. Now a second ball is drawn from it. The probability that the second drawn ball is white is independent of the value of 'd'.

My Attempt:

There will be two cases:

$\text{I}:$ A white ball may be drawn, in that case after the replacement and adding additional balls the total balls will be $=$ b+d+w

Then, the probability of drawing a white ball is $\frac{w + d}{w+b+d}$

$\text{II}:$ A black ball may be drawn, again the total balls have to be $=$ w+b+d

But now, the probability of drawing a white ball is $\frac{w}{w+b+d}$

So, the probability of drawing a white ball on the second draw is $= \frac{2w+d}{w+b+d}$
Which is clearly dependent on d.

But my book says that this statement is true.

Can anybody help me understand this?

Best Answer

Clearly $$P(X_2=w|X_1=w)=\frac{w+d}{w+b+d}$$ as you say, where $X_i$ is the result of draw $i$.

Also $$P(X_2=w| X_1=b)= \frac{w}{w+b+d}$$ from similar reasoning.

So $$P(X_2=w)=P(X_2=w|X_1=w)P(X_1=w) + P(X_2=w|X_1=b)P(X_1=b)$$

by the law of total probability, and computing this gives

$$\frac{w+d}{b+w+d} \frac{w}{w+b} + \frac{w}{w+b+d}\frac{b}{b+w} = \frac{(w+d)w + wb}{(w+b)(w+b+d)} = \frac{w}{w+b}$$ as the common factor $w+b+d$ cancels out.

So $P(X_2=w)$ indeed does not depend on $d$.