Right and left multiplication by scalar on a vector space

linear algebravector-spaces

This is a really basic question but I always wanted to know the answer to it. If we have a vector space $V$ over a field $K$, then scalar multiplication is usually defined by taking $\alpha v$, $\alpha \in K$ and $v \in V$ and the scalar always come on the left side. I know that in this case one can freely change the order of multiplication $\alpha v = v\alpha$. However, what axiom of vector space justifies this exchange? Since scalar multiplication is always introduced by placing the scalar on the left, how can we even start to consider a scalar on the right? Shouldn't we have some property about, say, $1v = v1 = v$? I have never found a reference in which some property is explicitly stated.

Best Answer

Well, in some sense the order doesn’t matter, because these are the objects of different nature! When we are working with operation $*:A\times A\to B$, the order is important because both $\forall a_{1},a_{2} \in A: a_{1}*a_{2}\in B \text{ and } a_{2}*a_{1}\in B$ by definition. In your case if $V$ is a vector space over $\mathbb{K} $ field, then multiplication by number is defined like \begin{gather} \mathbb{K}\times V \to V\\ (\alpha ,v)\mapsto \alpha v.\end{gather} The $v\alpha$ notation is in some sense meaningless, because $\mathbb{K}$ and $V$ are principally different sets. You can always define operation \begin{gather} \mathbb{K}\times V \to V\\ (\alpha ,v)\mapsto v\alpha.\end{gather} But it is some different operation. If it does have the same properties as $\alpha v$, then there is an isomorphism of structures, which allows you to rearrange vectors and scalars.

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