[Math] Axioms for vector space in Axler’s “Linear Algebra Done Right” – distributivity of scalar multiplication missing

linear algebra

I'm self studying Linear Algebra with Sheldon Axler's Linear Algebra Done Right (3rd edition). At page 12 the author introduces the following
axioms for a vector space.

enter image description here

In other sources that I could find online, for example this, the vecotor space axioms include also the associativity of scalar multiplication: $$For\ any\ scalar\ \alpha,\beta\ and \ any\ vector\ \mathbf v,\ \alpha(\beta\mathbf v) = (\alpha\beta)\mathbf v.$$

Is this an error in Axler book or the associativity for scalar multiplication can be derived in some way from the other properties?

Best Answer

It's there. Unless I'm misunderstanding something, I think it is there. He grouped it with addition. Under "associativity".

Homedog, after your edit, it is still there. He simply is not explicitly saying "Associativity of scalar multiplication" like your second source does.

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