Reference for Algebraic topology books


Im beginner in algebraic topology.I have read the general topology book by Munkres and topology without tears by Morris

I have seen the Allen Hatcher book .It is very tough book ,so i need some easier book

I need references for very basic books in Algebraic topology and that book must contain given topics below

$1.$Homotopy Theory. Covering spaces, homotopy maps, homotopy equivalence,Contractible spaces, deformation retraction.

$2.$Fundamental Groups: Universal cover and lifting problem for covering maps, Fundamental groups of S1 and Sn.

$3$ .Introduction to Homology Theory.

Best Answer

Spanier, Greenburg and Harper, and Munkres are three that come to mind.

There was also one by Fomenko and somebody else (maybe Fuchs) on homotopy theory that had great illustrations.

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