[Math] Why does every oscillating sequence diverge


Is this statement true?

$$\bf\text{Every oscillating sequence diverges.}$$

My thoughts: $\bf{False}$. $s_n = (-1)^n$ does not converge. But it's bounded, therefore, not divergent either. Divergent means diverging to $-\infty$ or $+ \infty$, yes?

Solution key: $\bf{True}$. If a sequence oscillates, then its limit inferior and limit superior are unequal. If follows that it cannot converge, for if it converged all its subsequences would converge to the same limit.

Three other places discussing oscillating convergence:

  1. This website says: "Oscillating sequences are not convergent or
    divergent. Such as 1, 0, 3, 0, 5, 0, 7,…" I agree.

  2. This SE post says: "Diverge means doesn't converge." But, I
    think it can be neither?

  3. This SE post says: "$\sin xe^{-x}$ is oscillating and
    convergent." I agree.

So, is the solution key correct? Who's right here?

Best Answer

You have to be very precise with your definitions. Generally, we call a sequence divergent if it does not converge. This means that convergent and divergent are each other's opposite.

As far as I know, there is no accepted definition for oscillating sequence.

The sequence $(-1)^n$ diverges, because it does not converge, while the sequence $\frac{(-1)^n}{n}$ converges to zero. Depending on the precise definition, you may or may not call the latter sequence oscillating, so you have to consult your textbook there.