[Math] Assume {$a_n$} is bounded sequence with the property that every convergent subsequent of {$a_n$} converges to the same limit a $\mathbb{R}$ show …



Assume {$a_n$} is bounded sequence with the property that every convergent subsequent of {$a_n$} converges to the same limit a R show that {$a_n$} must converge to a.

I don't understand that why {$a_{n_j}$} cannot converge to a…

So if the sequence does't converge to a, then its' subsequence cannot converges to a ?

Also, in this problem

Does "{$a_n$} does not converge to a" means that {$a_n$} is divergent ? or just {$a_n$} is convergent but not converges to a

I am confused.

Best Answer

I'll not look at the provided solution, so maybe you'll get a different insight.

It's quite easy if you know about limes superior and limes inferior.

Since the given sequence is bounded, both limits (inferior and superior) are finite. There is a subsequence converging to the limes inferior and one converging to the limes superior. By assumption, these converge to the same number, therefore $$ \liminf_{n\to\infty}a_n=\limsup_{n\to\infty}a_n $$ and so the sequence converges.

Without the above concept, you can do as follows. First there is a converging subsequence, since the given sequence is bounded (Bolzano-Weierstraß). So we can assume, by contradiction, that the sequence doesn't converge to $a$ (the limit of all convergent subsequences).

This can mean it doesn't converge at all or that it converges to somewhere else than $a$, but it's not relevant. The important thing is that

there exists $\varepsilon>0$ such that, for all $N$, there is $n>N$ with $|a_n-a|\ge\varepsilon$.

Now choose $n_0>0$ such that $|a_{n_0}-a|\ge\varepsilon$. Next choose $n_1>n_0$ such that $|a_{n_1}-a|\ge\varepsilon$ and go on.

More precisely, if you have already chosen $n_k$ such that $n_0<n_1<\dots<n_k$ and $|a_{n_k}-a|\ge\varepsilon$, choose $n_{k+1}$ such that $|a_{n_{k+1}}-a|\ge\varepsilon$.

Thus we have a built a subsequence, but it's not necessarily convergent. However, since it is itself a bounded sequence, it has a convergent subsequence. This further subsequence cannot converge to $a$, because each of its terms $a_{n_{k_l}}$ satisfies $|a_{n_{k_l}}-a|\ge\varepsilon$. Contradiction.