[Math] The length of a line segment related to a parallelogram


In parallelogram $ABCD$, angle $A$ is acute, point $E$ is on the $AD$ such that $BE$ is perpendicular to $AD$ and point $F$ is on line $CD$ such that $BF$ is perpendicular to $CD$. If $AB=BF=13$ and $AE=5$, compute the length of $EF$.

I drew the diagram, all I can do is to get the length of $BE$ by Pythagorean theorem, I'm learning geometry (sophomore), does this question require knowledge about calculus or trig? Can anyone help me with it?

This question is from senior A division contest.

Best Answer

There's another method than what Blue said in the comments (sorry!) but involves knowledge of basic trigonometry.

enter image description here

By the Pythagorean Theorem, we have $BE=12$. We can find $\angle BAE$ using any of the trigonometric ratios (I'll use $\tan$): $$\tan\angle BAE=\frac{12}{5}\Rightarrow \angle BAE \approx 67.38^\circ$$ Now, since $ABCD$ is a parallelogram, we have $\angle BCF=67.38^\circ$ also.

Next, we have to find $\angle EBF$. We know that

$$\angle EBF = \angle ABC - (\angle ABE+\angle CBF)=\angle ABC - 2\angle ABE$$

$\angle ABC=180-\angle BAE=112.62^\circ$ since adjacent angles in a parallelogram must add up to $180^\circ$. $\angle ABE = 90 - \angle BAE=22.62^\circ$ since the acute angles in a right triangle must sum to $90^\circ$. Hence, we have

$$\angle EBF=112.62-2(22.62)=67.38^\circ$$

Finally, we can use the cosine law to find $EF$. We have:

$$EF=\sqrt{12^2+13^2-2\times 12\times 13\times \cos67.38}$$ $$=\sqrt{193}$$