[Math] Area of a parallelogram given one side and a perpendicular


This came up while I was doing some tutoring yesterday. Maybe it's simple, but it has been about 7 years since I last took geometry and I can't figure it out.

Given parallelogram $ABCD$ along with the length of $\overline{AB}$ and the length of the perpendicular from $D$ to $\overline{AB}$, how does one determine the area of $ABCD$?

If the perpendicular met $\overline{AB}$ at a particular point, such as its midpoint, then we could use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the hypotenuse of the right triangle that is formed, which is the other side of the parallelogram, and apply the usual area formula. However, I can find no result in the book that states any such thing, and drawing out some examples does not convince me either.

Best Answer

The area is base times height.

Here is an only slightly dishonest proof. You will need scissors and paper. Produce a parallelogram $ABCD$. So that this parallelogram will look like the one I have in my head, the vertices $A$, $B$, $C$, $D$ are in counterclockwise order, the base $AB$ is at the bottom, and the point $A$ is on the left. Also, the parallelogram "leans" to the right, but does not lean by a ridiculous amount.

Let $P$ be the point where the perpendicular $D$ meets the line $AB$. If you are drawing the picture I have in mind, $P$ is between $A$ and $B$. Draw th perpendicular from $C$ to the extension of line segment $AB$. Suppose that this perpendicular meets $AB$ extended at $Q$.

OK, we are all set up. Note that triangles $APD$ and $BQC$ are congruent. This is easy, the angles match and $AD=BC$.

Now take a pair a scissors, cut out $\triangle APD$, and place the sliced off triangle so that it covers $\triangle BQC$. So we have sliced our parallelogram into two pieces, and reassembled the pieces to make rectangle $PQCD$. Thus the parallelogram and the rectangle have the same area. But the area of the rectangle is clearly $PQ$ times $DP$, which is $AB$ times $PD$.

Remark: My assertion that I cheated may be puzzling. But draw the parallelogram so that it leans ridiculously to the right, so that the perpendicular $DP$ meets the line $AB$ to the right of $B$. Then the argument just given breaks down. It can be fixed.

There is a lot of interesting mathematics connected with dissecting geometric figures, and rearranging the pieces to make another geometric figure. For example, there are very nice cut and paste proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem. You may also be interested in the Bolyai-Gerwien Theorem.