[Math] rate of change, water filling tank


'A tank is in the form of a cone with the point downward, and the
height and diameter are each 10 feet. How fast is the water pouring in
at the moment when it is 5 feet deep and the surface is rising at the rate
of 4 feet per minute?'

my incorrect solution

where is my mistake?

Best Answer

Your answer is right. here is a way you can avoid lots of work and volume formula and all that. At a particular instant, what is important is the surface area. You can forget about that it is cone: it might as well be a cylinder at that instant.

  • Let $r$ be the radius at height $h$.
  • From the geometry, $r = h/2$.
  • You want to find ${dV \over dt}$ when $h = 5$ and $\frac{dh}{dt} = 4$.

The change in volume at this instant is

$$dV = \pi *(5/2)^2 dh$$

If you divide both sides by $dt$ you get

$$\begin {align} {dV \over dt} &= \pi * {25 \over 4} *4 \\ &= 25 \pi\ ft^3/min \\ \end{align}$$