[Math] Related Rate problem conical tank


water flows into an inverted right circular conical tank at the rate of 2 cubic feet per minute. If the altitude of the tank is 20 ft and the radius of its base is 10ft., at what rate is the water level rising when the tank is 1/8 full?

So I was able to obtain V when it is 1/8 full. Which is 261.799. dv/dt is 2ft^3/min as in V for volume.

Seeking dh/dt when V is 261.799. Where h is the height. I also notice the relationship between h and r. h=2r.

I'm having trouble find h and r at 1/8 full.

Best Answer

The volume is given by:

$V=\frac{1}{3}\pi r^2h$

You are given $\frac{dV}{dt}$, so you will have to take the derivative of the volume function with respect to time. Keep in mind that the radius and the height are NOT constants, they are variables. However, they are proportional:


This is because, if you draw a triangle straight down in the cone, you'll get similar triangles, as I, a true artist, have demonstrated below:

similar triangles

This is true for RIGHT cones.

We are given the cone's actual height and radius, and so we know that:




I found what r is because I want to use it in the equation because we are seeking for the change in the height over time. Let's plug it into the original equation, then:

$V=\frac{1}{3}\pi (\frac{h}{2})^2h=\frac{1}{12}\pi h^3$

Take the derivative of this with respect to time:

$\frac{dV}{dt}=\frac{1}{4}\pi h^2 * \frac{dh}{dt}$

This by the way always happens, we just never see it. Take for instance:

$y= 5x^2+x$

When you differentiate, the answer is really:


But $\frac{dx}{dx} = 1$ so we never show it.

Back to what I was saying, the next step is to determine $\frac{dh}{dt}$, which is what we are trying to solve. So we need the instantaneous height of the cone when it's 1/8 filled. 1/8 filled means the cone's volume is 1/8 of its original volume. Its original volume is (and you can use $V=\frac{1}{3}\pi r^2h$, but I find the function of volume against height only easier since there's only 1 variable):

$V=\frac{1}{12}\pi h^3$

$V_{full}=\frac{1}{12}\pi (20)^3 =$ some value I stored on my calculator.

Multiply that by 1/8 and you get the volume of the tank at that time. Use the equation to find the instantaneous height:

$V_{instantaneous}=\frac{1}{12}\pi h^3$

The height is 10. You can now plug it into the derivative equation we had:

$\frac{dV}{dt}=\frac{1}{4}\pi h^2 * \frac{dh}{dt}$

We are given that $\frac{dV}{dt}=2$, and we now know the instantaneous height. The answer is then:

$\frac{dh}{dt}=\frac{2}{25 \pi} \approx 0.025 \frac{ft}{min}$

Let me know if I made any mistakes before you down vote me into oblivion.