[Math] Poisson Process Arrival Rate

poisson distributionprobability

I have the following question; Assuming there are a stream of people entering a shop at a Poisson process of rate 5 per second. The arrival requests are in 3 categories:

Girls with probability 0.5
Ladies with probability 0.3
Women with probability 0.2

  • In order to know the probability that any given request will be
    followed by another one within half a second will be ?

    So here what i think the result will be is : T~Exponential(5) so P(T<0.5"half a second")
    = 0.5 -exp^-5 => 0.4932.

  • But how can i know, the mean arrival time between two successful
    women arrivals ?

  • And also how can i know the probability that there are 6 ladies
    arriving in a 10 second period ?

Best Answer

You can answer these with rates:

  • Overall $5$ females per second, so $2.5$ per half-second, and the probability of no females in a half-second is $\exp(-2.5)$

  • Women arrive at a rate of $0.2 \times 5=1$ per second, so the expected time between women is $\frac11=1$ second

  • Ladies arrive at a rate of $0.3 \times 5=1.5$ per second, so $15$ per ten seconds, the the probability of $6$ per ten seconds is, from the Poisson distribution, $\exp(-15)\frac{15^6}{6!}$

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