[Math] Number of rearrangements of the word “INDIVISIBILITY”


In how many ways can the word "INDIVISIBILITY" be rearranged, such
that no two Is come close to each other?

My attempt

Total number of ways of rearranging the word = $\dfrac{14!}{6!}$

Number of ways of rearranging the word such that at the least, a pair of Is come close to each other (the motivation for this comes from the negation of "no two Is come close to each other") = $\binom{6}{2} \times \dfrac{13!}{4!}$

Then, required number of arrangements = $\dfrac{14!}{6!} – \binom{6}{2} \times \dfrac{13!}{4!}$.

But this gives me a negative number. Where am I going wrong? Could anyone tell me how to go about this problem?

Best Answer

There are $8$ distinct letters, together with $6$ I's.

The $8$ non-I's can be arranged in $8!$ ways. Every such arrangement produces $9$ 'gaps" (the $7$ gaps between letters, and the $2$ 'endgaps") for us to slip a single I into. The $6$ gaps needed can be chosen in $\binom{9}{6}$ ways, for a total of $8!\binom{9}{6}$.

Remark: The $\binom{6}{2}\frac{13!}{4!}$ overcounts the cases where two or more I's are next to each other.