[Math] Number of permutations of the word “PERMUTATION”


In how many ways we can arrange the letters of the word "PERMUTATION" such that no two vowels occur together and no two T's occur together.

I first arranged consonants including one T as below:


Now in 6 star places i will arrange the vowels $A,E,I,O,U$ which can be done in $\binom{6}{5} \times 5!=6!$ ways. Also $P,R,M,N,T$ can themselves arrange in $5!$ ways. Hence total number of ten letter words now is $5! \times 6!$.

But one $T$ should be placed in eleven places of the ten letter word such that it should not be adjacent to $T$ which is already there. hence the remaining $T$ has $9$ ways to place.

hence total ways is $6! \times 5! \times 9$.

But my answer is not matching with book answer. please correct me

Best Answer

* P * R * M * T * T * N *

  • First permute the consonants in $6!/2!= 360 $ ways

    In $\frac{5}{\binom62} = \frac13$ cases, the T's will be together

  • Choose and place one vowel between the $T's$ in $5$ ways,
    and the balance four in $6\cdot 5\cdot 4\cdot3 = 1600$ ways

  • For the balance $\frac23$ place the vowels in $7\cdot6\cdot5\cdot4\cdot3 =2520$ ways

  • Putting the pieces together, $360[\frac13\cdot 1600 + \frac23\cdot 2520] = 796800$