[Math] How many different words can be formed using the letters (m, a, t, h, s)


How many different words of length $5$ can be formed using all the letters m, a, t, h, s without repetition

If the first letter must be a vowel?

If the first letter must be a consonant?

It is a question from my book in the permutations chapter. I have no idea how to approach it. I know about factorials but I get confused when they specify the vowel and the consonant cases.

Best Answer

If the first letter must be a vowel: you have the "a" as first letter and you can permutate 4 letters, thus you can create $4!$ words (meaningless I suppose)

If the first letter must be a consonant: you have 4 possibilities for the first letter and you can permutate the remaining 4 letters, thus you can create $4\cdot4!$ words

NOTE: as a check summing up the two results you obtain $$4!+4 \cdot 4!=5 \cdot 4!=5!$$ that is the total number of permutation for the 5 letters.