[Math] How many 5 letter words can be formed from the word management if two alike letters are always together


How many 5 letter words can be formed from the word MANAGEMENT if two alike letters are always together?

My approach was like this:

The letters M, N, A , E appear twice and G, T appear once.

So, the first case was where all the letters were different, thus, the number of words formed were:

6C5 . 5!(further permutation) = 720

the second case was where there were two groups of two alike letters and one different letter.
Thus, the number of words formed were:

2C1 . 4C2 . 3! = 72

the third case was where there were one group of two alike letters and three different letters.

Thus, the number of words formed were:

4C1 . 5C3 . 4!= 960

thus, the total number of words were:

720 + 72 + 960 = 1752

but this answer is wrong as the Real answer is 1824.

Where was I wrong? Please explain.

Best Answer

There are 4 double letters: M,N,A,E and 2 single letters G,T.

To form 5 letter words in which two letters alike are together, there are possibilities as follows:

  • the 5-letter word contains only single letters: $\binom{6}{5} \times 5!$

  • the 5-letter word contains 1 double letters and 3 single letters: $\binom{4}{1} \times \binom{5}{3} \times 4!$

  • the 5-letter word contains 2 double letters and 1 single letter: $\binom{4}{2} \times \binom{4}{1} \times 3!$

Total give you 1824.