[Math] Find when three numbers have the same remainder when divided by the same number


If three numbers 112, 232, and 400 are each divided by the number D, each of their quotients will have the same remainder R. Find R where R>1

How should I approach this?

Best Answer

Hint: $$112 - R \equiv 0 \mod D$$

$$232 - R \equiv 0 \mod D$$

$$400 - R \equiv 0 \mod D$$

$$120 \equiv 0 \mod D$$ $$168 \equiv 0 \mod D$$

Hence $D$ is a common factor of both $120$ and $168$.

$$24 \equiv 0 \mod D$$

$D \in \{1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24 \}$

Use $R>1$ to identify which $D$ is possible.