[Math] Find the area of the shaded region


So the question is listed below as a picture, I realize I have to subtract the min and max after inputting them into the equation. So far I think it would be integral x going from 0 and going to 11/2?
enter image description here

Best Answer

You can calculate the area to the right of both curves and left of the $y$-axis between $y=0$ and $y=\frac {11}2$ by integrating the given functions. Then, you can substract the results to get the area.

Also, just mirroring the image in $x=y$ or rotating it by a quarter turn may help.

EDIT One integral (the blue one) should be $\frac{121}{12}$ and the red one should be $\frac{1573}{24}$. The difference is the area. (I'm assuming we're only talking about positive areas here.)