[Math] Algebraic Topology and Homotopy Theory prerequisites


I would like to know what are the prerequisites for studying algebraic topology (with a homotopical viewpoint). The books I have in mind are

  • Selick ("Introduction To Homotopy Theory")
  • May ("A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology")
  • Strom ("Modern Classical Homotopy Theory")
  • Fomenko, Fuchs ("Homotopic Topology")

I know that general topology and abstract algebra are assumed. But how much of those one need to start studying AT? What chapters of Munkres for point-set topology? What topics in algebra/linear algebra?

Best Answer

One of the classic references to studying algebraic topology is Hatcher's Algebraic Topology, which is available online at Hatcher's webpage. He says the following on the topic of prerequisites:

In terms of prerequisites, the present book assumes the reader has some familiarity with the content of the standard undergraduate courses in algebra and point-set topology. In particular, the reader should know about quotient spaces, or identification spaces as they are sometimes called, which are quite important for algebraic topology.

You should probably study the following collection of topics: topological spaces, continuous maps, connectedness, compactness, separation, function spaces, metrization, embedding theorems, and the fundamental group. You should also know what is taught in a "standard undergraduate course in algebra". A nice collection of notes written by Professor Richard Elman is here.

Since you say that you want to study algebraic topology with a "homotopical viewpoint", you should check out this MathOverflow question. Note: you can actually study homotopy theory through combinatorial objects called simplicial sets, but it's probably better to learn homotopy theory the classic way.

Hope this helps.