[Math] A Scalar times the Zero Vector

alternative-prooflinear algebraproof-verificationvector-spaces

I'm reading Linear Algebra Done Right by Sheldon Axler and the proof given in the book is the same as the one in the answer provided for this question.

I tried to solve this before looking at the solution and the way I did it was:

Theorem: $a \cdot \vec0 = \vec 0 $ for every $a \in \mathbb F$

Proof $\ $Let $a \in \mathbb F$, then

\begin{align}a \cdot \vec0
&= a \cdot \langle 0_1,0_2, \ldots ,0_n\rangle \tag{Def. of a vector}\\
&= \langle a \cdot0_1,a \cdot0_2, \ldots ,a \cdot0_n \rangle \tag{Def. of Scalar Multiplication} \\
&= \langle 0_1,0_2,…,0_n \rangle \\
&= \vec 0

Hence, $a \cdot \vec0 = \vec 0 $ , desired result.

  • Is there anything wrong with this proof? For example, I didn't explain why $a \cdot 0_j = 0$, do I have to do so?

  • Also doesn't this proof provide more insight in terms of using basic definitions rather than just vector algebra?*

  • Is there a way to proof this result besides this and the one given in the link?

Best Answer

Use the fact that the zero vector is the neutral element for vector addition, so it is equal to itself minus itself. Then use the distributive law for scalar multiplication.

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