Group Theory – A Group of Order p^2q^2 is Never Simple


Let $p,q$ be primes and let $G$ be a group of order $p^2q^2$, what's the best way to show $G$ is non-simple?

I know it suffices to show that one of the Sylow-p or Sylow-q subgroup of $G$ is normal, but the counting elements argument doesn't work here since different Sylow subgroups may have non-trivial intersection.

Best Answer

We may as well assume $p < q$. The number of Sylow $q$-subgroups is $1$ mod $q$ and divides $p^2$. So it is $1, p$, or $p^2$. We win if it's $1$ and it can't be $p$, so suppose it's $p^2$. But now $q \mid p^2 - 1$, so $q \mid p+1$ or $q \mid p-1$.

Thus $p = 2$ and $q = 3$. The case of order $36$ has been proved in an earlier question:

No group of order 36 is simple