[Math] Prove that a group of order 30 has at least three different normal subgroups


Prove that a group of order 30 has at least three different normal subgroups.



There are $2$-Sylow, $3$-Sylow and $5$-Sylow subgroups. If $t_p$= number of $p$-Sylow-subgroups. Then $t_2$=$1$, $3$, $5$, $15$ and $t_3$=$1$, $10$ and $t_5$=$1$, 6.
Therefore I can claim that the group is not simple. So $t_3$=1 or $t_5$=1. Which I can prove. So now we know that the group has another non-trivial normal subgroup. But this is just one normal subgroup. How can I show that there are (at least) three different normal subgroups ?

Best Answer

Answer with hints that must be checked and solved:

As already proved, a group $\;G\;$ of order $\;30\;$ must have either one unique subgroup of order five or one unique subgroup of order three.

Take now the unique such subgroup, say $\;N\;$ , and one of the (possibly several) groups of the other order, say $\;H\;$ . Since clearly $\;N\cap H=1\;$ , we get that $\;NH\;$ is a subgroup (why?) of order $\;15\;$ and thus $\;NH\lhd G\;$ (why?).

But a group of order $\;15\;$ is necessarily cyclic (why?), and since any subgroup of a normal cyclic subgroup of a big group is normal in the big group (why?), we get that both $\;N,H\lhd G\;$