How many unique four-letter permutations can be constructed using the letters in the word ALGEBRA without repetition


How many unique four-letter permutations can be constructed using the letters in 'ALGEBRA' without repetition?

I would have guessed that a solution would be as follows.

Total number of permutations: $\frac{n!}{(n-k)!}=\frac{7!}{3!}=840$

Number of permutations containing both 'A's (so two 'A's plus two other letters):

Each of these can be combined in $4!=24$
So there is a total of $10 \cdot 24=240$ containing two 'A's.
So half this number should be subtracted from the total: $840-120=720$.

But this is wrong. Where am going wrong?

Best Answer

According to the comments , it appears that question is asking for how many possible words of length four there are using only the elements from the set of $\{A,A,L,G,E,B,R\}$.

When we construct the words ,we have two selection such that

  • All possible words with distinct letters (repeated letters not used) : If the letters of our words are distinct , select four letters from $\{A,L,G,E,B,R\}$ ,and order them in a row such that $$\binom{6}{4}4!=360$$

  • All possible words with repetition used: If repetiton is used , the repeating letters is only $A's$ , so select two more letters to construct your words,and order them in a row.Do not forget division rule because of repeating letters.Then , $$\binom{5}{2}\frac{4!}{2!}=120$$

As a result ,we have $360+120=480$ distinct words with your restriction at the end.