How many $4$ letter words can be formed from the word “CORONAVIRUS”.


Letters: $C$, $O$ ($2$ times), $R$ ($2$ times), $N$, $A$, $V$, $I$, $U$ and $S$.

The number of $4$ letter words from $C$, $N$, $A$, $V$, $I$, $U$ and $S$ is $7\times 6\times 5\times 4=840$.

The number of $4$ letter words from two $O$ or two $R$ while other $2$ letters are different is $\displaystyle \binom{2}{1}\times \binom{8}{2}\times \frac{4!}{2!}=672$.

The number of $4$ letter words from two $O$ and two $R$ together is $\displaystyle \frac{4!}{2!\times 2!}=6$

Total number of ways should be $840+672+6=1518$.

But this is not the right answer given. What am I doing wrong? What cases I am missing here? Please help!!!

Thanks in advance!!!

Best Answer

In your work the first case should be 4 distinct letter words from C,N,A,V,I,U,S,O,R, (O and R included!) that is $9×8×7×6 = 3024$ ways. Threrefore the total number of $4$-letter words is $3024+672+6=3702$.