From any point $P$ on the line $5x+4y=20$ tangents are drawn to the circle $x^2+y^2=4$ then find the locus of the circum-centre of the $\triangle PQR$

analytic geometrycirclesgeometry

From any point $P$ on the line $5x+4y=20$ tangents are drawn to the circle $x^2+y^2=4$ meeting at $Q$ and $R$, then find the locus of the circum-centre of $\triangle PQR$.

My approach is as follow, if the tangent drawn from a point on the line $5x+4y=20$ to the curve meets at the point $Q$ and $R$. Then the line joining the chord of contact is $\alpha x+\beta y=4$.
As $\alpha$ and $\beta$ lies on the line $5x+4y=20$, hence $5\alpha+4\beta=20$ on comparing we get $x=1$ & $y=\frac{4}{5}$ hence the line or chord of contact is $y=mx+\frac{4}{5}-m$, I am not able to proceed from here.

Best Answer

As @user0 and @dan_fulea mentioned in their comments above, the circumcircle of $PQR$ passes through the origin, and therefore, the circumcenter will be the midpoint of $OP$. Therefore, if the circumcenter is $C$, then

$C = \dfrac{1}{2} P $

Since $P$ traces a line, then $C$ also traces a line. In particular the line that $C$ traces will be parallel to the $P$ line.

Since $P$ is on the line $ 5x + 4y = 20 $, then $C$ will be on the line

$ 5 x + 4 y = 10 $