Four-letter words from the word MEDITERRANEAN such that the first letter is R and the fourth letter is E


If the four letter words (need not be meaningful) are to be formed using the letters from the word MEDITERRANEAN such that the first letter is R and the fourth letter is E, then the total number of all such words is :

My attempt:

$4$ different letters, $3E, 2R, 2A, 2N$. i.e. total $8$ varieties, out of $13$ letters.

Since the first and the fourth letter is fixed, so the intermediate two letters are to be filled from $11$ remaining letters. But we can't just do $^{11}C_2$ as all $11$ are not different. Also, $^8C_2$ won't make sense either as that won't include the option of $2N$ or $2A$ etc.

How to go about it?

Best Answer

The two middle places are to be filled from

$$ \{ M,D,T,I,R \} \quad \{ 2\cdot E,2\cdot A,2\cdot N \}$$

We have following two cases :

  1. Different letters : $(^5 P_2) + (^3P_2) + 5\cdot3\cdot2 = 56$

or as pointed by @Intelligenti pauca, simply $8 \cdot 7 = 56$

  1. Same letters : $^3 C_1$

Total $= 59$