Find the angle of rotation and minor axis length of ellipse from major axis length, center, and two points

conic sectionsgeometry

I'd like to describe the ellipse centered at the origin with a fixed major axis length of $2a$ that passes through two points $(u_x, u_y)$ and $(v_x, v_y)$ (both within $a$ of the origin). In particular, I need to compute the angle of rotation $\phi$ of this ellipse, and the length $2b$ of its minor axis.

I tried the straightforward approach of just setting up a couple of equations to solve for the coordinates of the foci $(f_x, f_y)$ and $(-f_x, -f_y)$:

$\sqrt{(u_x – f_x)^2 + (u_y – f_y)^2} + \sqrt{(u_x + f_x)^2 + (u_y + f_y)^2} = 2a = \sqrt{(v_x – f_x)^2 + (v_y – f_y)^2} + \sqrt{(v_x + f_x)^2 + (v_y + f_y)^2}$

If I were able to use these equations to determine $(f_x, f_y)$ then presumably $\phi = \arctan(f_y / f_x)$ and $b = \sqrt{a^2 – f_x^2 – f_y^2}$…but solving those equations for $(f_x, f_y)$ is beyond my algebraic skills. (They also appear to flummox the SymPy solver.)

Best Answer

Let $y=mx$ be the equation of the major axis of the ellipse, and $b$ its semi-minor axis (which lies on line $y=-x/m$). Distances $u_a$ and $u_b$ from point $u$ to the lines of the axes are given by: $$ u_a^2={(u_y-mu_x)^2\over1+m^2},\quad u_b^2={(mu_y+u_x)^2\over1+m^2}, $$ and analogous expressions can be written for point $v$. If $u$, $v$ belong to the ellipse, then: $$ {u_b^2\over a^2}+{u_a^2\over b^2}=1 \quad\text{and}\quad {v_b^2\over a^2}+{v_a^2\over b^2}=1. $$ This is a system of equations for the unknowns $m$ and $b$: I solved it with Mathematica and, apart from the trivial solutions $(b=a,\ m=\pm i)$, it has two real solutions: $$ {1\over b^2}= \frac{ u_x^2+u_y^2+v_x^2+v_y^2 -a\left(2u_x^2v_x^2+2u_y^2v_y^2+2 u_x u_y v_x v_y+u_y^2 v_x^2+u_x^2 v_y^2\right) \pm 2 (u_xv_x+u_yv_y)\sqrt{\Delta}} {(u_y v_x-u_x v_y)^2} $$ $$ m= \frac{ -u_x u_y \left(a\left(v_x^2+v_y^2\right)-1\right) +v_x v_y\left(a\left(u_x^2+u_y^2\right)-1\right) \mp(u_y v_x-u_x v_y)\sqrt{\Delta}} {u_x^2 \left(1-a v_y^2\right)+v_x^2 \left(a u_y^2-1\right)}, $$ where: $\Delta={\left(1-a \left(u_x^2+u_y^2\right)\right) \left(1-a\left(v_x^2+v_y^2\right)\right)}$.