[GIS] Looking for a tool for Orthorectification of Archived Air Photos


I was wondering if anyone knows of an open source, perferabily something for QGIS and not GRASS, that can be used for orthorectifying scanned archived air photos. I have looked at OSSIM and a few other packages, but they do not allow (from what I can tell) for a single image to be processed based on user input from a geoimage or vectors. Packages like ERDAS and PCI allow for this, but I am looking for an open source solution. The Georefrencer plugin to QGIS is good, but I would like to be able to use a DEM (digital elevation model) as a source for the Z information for terrain relief issues.

Any help would be great, or clarification on OSSIM or other products that I may be misunderstanding.

Best Answer

You could try AirPhotoSE - it's free but not open source - which is part of BASP (The Bonn Archaeological Software Package). It's designed for Windows, but it should work well under Wine on Linux.

I believe the author, Irwin Scollar, is intending to make the full version of AirPhoto open source in the near future, but I've not got any dates for it yet.