[GIS] How to run the nvis tool in QGIS GRASS


I am trying to follow this workflow: [How to generate a DEM from a contour Shapefile?] and it's running fine, and when I hit view output or view results I end up with a flat raster with shading associated with the heights of my contours on screen.

However, I want to see the 3D terrain with hillshading etc, and potentially export a 3d mesh, and from research, think that the nvis module in GRASS can do this for me, but when I try to run this I get the error "module nvis not found"? And QGIS crashes and dies.

When I go to Manage and Install Plugins, Grass is there, and it has let me perform all the other modules I've needed? So not sure what to do with this??

Any ideas or help much appreciated!

Edit: Link to sample data here (.shp+.gml): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mwxlr3ij78d8gkr/lKwgu3Pafu

Best Answer

You have two solutions:

1) from the GRASS plugin: you are working in GRASS GIS, not in QGIS, so you need to know GRASS GIS

  • you need to first open a LOCATION/MAPSET of GRASS (from the plugin) or create a new LOCATION/MAPSET

enter image description here

  • you will then have access to the GRASS Tools

enter image description here


  • import the shapefile in the MAPSET (v.in.ogr.qgis)
  • transform the shapefile in a raster if you want to use the r. modules (v.to.rast)
  • fix the GRASS region (g.region)
  • use r.contour, r.surf.idw, r.surf.idw2 or v.surf.rst to generate the DEM
  • use nviz to visualise the DEM, change the color, drape a raster layer or add another DEM and/or vector files.

enter image description here enter image description here

2) from GRASS in the Processing Toolbox:

  • you are working in QGIS. In fact, the use of GRASS GIS is transparent, no need to open GRASS GIS, import the shapefile in a LOCATION/MAPSET or fixing a region, everything is done automatically by Processing.

enter image description here

3) What is the difference ?

The Processing version is more limited, you may only view the DEM, with no possibility to drape a raster, add another DEM or vector layers