[GIS] Source of Contour Lines for QGIS


I am planning to go on multiple days hike and used Wikiloc to download GPX tracks. We will use a GPS for our navigation but I always want a printed map as a backup.

Maps for that area are notoriously bad but OpenStreetMap contains most of our trails and Points of Interest.


I loaded the track in QGIS with the OpenStreetMap and this is a good start. The only thing that is missing are contour lines (elevation lines) and potentially hill-shading.

What is the easiest way I could add contour lines and hill-shading to my map (for a printout)? Ideally, I would add a WMS or VectorTile layer and not go through the process of downloading a DEM and creating everything myself.


It is fairly easy to add a mapbox WMTS layer to QGIS. I opted for the Outdoors mapbox style which has both contour lines, hillshading and OSM trails. However this introduced another problem. When printing / exporting the scale of the WMTS layer changes and becomes unreadable.

enter image description here

However when exporting using the print composer this is the result:

enter image description here

similar issue

Best Answer

Depending on your needs for precision you could use THE SRTM dataset. I found a nice tool, which allows you to download contour lines by selecting the area of interest in a map.

The website OpenDEM provides an easy to use tool to download the data.

  1. Under downloads choose "SRTM as Contours"
  2. Click on the web client and you will see a map as in image 1

enter image description here

  1. With SHIFT + Left mouse draw and rectangle to select the datasets
  2. Download the datasets from the popup window (Botten)
  3. Open them in QGIS you will get your contour lines
  4. Style them to your liking(add Labels as in image 2) enter image description here

  5. Optional: If you don't already use QuickMapServices, use it to get an OSM background map. I made the experience that the maps have better resolutions.

enter image description here

Disclaimer: I am not associated with the website