[GIS] How to release the lock on a gdb


I have problems to release my gdb in ArcGIS10. My tool works with an local gdb, but I failed to release it after the process.
In Ag9.3 I can release it simply by Marshal.ReleaseComObject(workspace), but this doesn't work in AG10. Also releasing all FeatureCursors doesn't help. Only closing the whole application "deletes" the lock.
Does anyone know how to release my gdb and "delete" the lock without closing the application?

Best Answer

I had a quick look and found information on the locking scenario you seem to be having. In ArcObjects 10 there is a SetWriteLock and FreeWriteLock option.

have a look at the forum link specifically the sample from Lance Shipman from Esri http://forums.arcgis.com/threads/36881-the-performance-fgdb-api-amp-arcobjects

Have Fun, CDB