[GIS] IFeatureWorkspace.CreateFeatureClass() error


I am trying to read a csv file straight into a set of new feature classes within a new file geodatabase, but I am getting the following stack trace when it fails:

Attempted to read or write protected
memory. This is often an indication
that other memory is corrupt.
ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase at
Name, IFields Fields, UID CLSID, UID
EXTCLSID, esriFeatureType FeatureType,
String ShapeFieldName, String
ConfigKeyword) at
pointtype, String outfile, String[]
record, IWorkspace workspace) in
C:\Documents and Settings\lbadgerow\My
Documents\Visual Studio

I believe that it is related to a schema lock, but I am able to create a feature dataset which is confusing. (In proper stacktrace form, below is my workspace factory call, and my where I'm building the FC)

        public IWorkspace CreateFileGdbWorkspace(String path, String jobnumber)
            Type factoryType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriDataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactory");
            IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = (IWorkspaceFactory)Activator.CreateInstance(factoryType);

            IWorkspaceName workspaceName = workspaceFactory.Create(path, jobnumber, null, 0);

            IName name = (IName)workspaceName;
            IWorkspace workspace = (IWorkspace)name.Open();
            return workspace;
IFeatureWorkspace featwork = (IFeatureWorkspace)workspace;
featwork.CreateFeatureClass("test", outfields, CLSID, null, esriFeatureType.esriFTSimple, "SHAPE", "");

EDIT 17 March 2011: has anyone attempted to Thread a component (extension) of ArcMap? I'm thinking that I could release the schema lock that is preventing this from moving on to the FC creation phase of this project, but I can't seem to get ArcMap to remain stable when I create a new thread to build the gdb.

Best Answer

This error occur when the field count is not matched to created fields.

    Dim fields As IFields = New FieldsClass
    Dim fieldsEdit As IFieldsEdit = CType(fields, IFieldsEdit)
    fieldsEdit.FieldCount_2 = 2

    ' Create Object ID field.
    Dim fieldUserDefined As IField = New Field

    Dim fieldEdit As IFieldEdit = CType(fieldUserDefined, IFieldEdit)
    fieldEdit.Name_2 = "OBJECTID"
    fieldEdit.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeOID
    fieldsEdit.Field_2(0) = fieldUserDefined

    ' Create Shape field.
    fieldUserDefined = New Field
    fieldEdit = CType(fieldUserDefined, IFieldEdit)

    ' Set up geometry definition for the Shape field.
    ' You do not have to set the spatial reference, as it is inherited from the feature dataset.
    Dim geometryDef As IGeometryDef = New GeometryDefClass
    Dim geometryDefEdit As IGeometryDefEdit = CType(geometryDef, IGeometryDefEdit)

    ' By setting the grid size to 0, you are allowing ArcGIS to determine the appropriate grid sizes for the feature class. 
    ' If in a personal geodatabase, the grid size is 1,000. If in a file or ArcSDE geodatabase, the grid size
    ' is based on the initial loading or inserting of features.
    geometryDefEdit.GeometryType_2 = ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon
    geometryDefEdit.GridCount_2 = 1
    'geometryDefEdit.GridSize(0, 0)
    geometryDefEdit.HasM_2 = True
    geometryDefEdit.HasZ_2 = False
    ' Set standard field properties.
    fieldEdit.Name_2 = "SHAPE"
    fieldEdit.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGeometry

    fieldEdit.GeometryDef_2 = geometryDef
    fieldEdit.IsNullable_2 = True
    fieldEdit.Required_2 = True
    fieldsEdit.Field_2(1) = fieldUserDefined

    ' Create a field of type double to hold some information for the features.
    fieldUserDefined = New Field

    fieldEdit = CType(fieldUserDefined, IFieldEdit)

    '--------------------------------- CREATE FEATURE CLASS------------------------------------------
    ' Create a feature class description object to use for specifying the CLSID and EXTCLSID.
    Dim fcDesc As IFeatureClassDescription = New FeatureClassDescriptionClass
    Dim ocDesc As IObjectClassDescription = CType(fcDesc, IObjectClassDescription)
    Dim pWorkspaceFactory As IWorkspaceFactory = New SdeWorkspaceFactory

if fieldEdit.FieldCount is equal to a number greater than 2 , this error will occur.

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