[GIS] Error of installing GDAL on python with windows


Can any one knows the error of importing GDAL?

I downloaded the binaries from Gisinternalsa! to install the GDAL library. However,I cannot import gdal successfully. The detail of error is shown in the figure.

ImportError: DLL load failed:The specified procedure could not be found.(figure 1)

I installed the binaries and core which are version of 64 bit & v.1500 from Gisinternals, that is version of the python 2.7 in my laptop. I tried to use "from osgeo import gdal", but it still didn't work. And the error massage is same with the above. (figure 2)

Then, I had uninstalled the former binaries and core and installed it again. The python shows "ImportError: No module named osgeo" or "ImportError: No module named gdal". (figure 3) So I think the reason why is there are more than one multiple python installation. Should I delete the redundant installation.

How should I do?

![enter image description here]1
__________________________________THE SOLUTION____________________________
Due to closing, I post the solution below the question.
There are many method to install the GDAL library. Installing the binaries from Gisinternalsa is one of them. The vision of the binaries should be matched the vision of the python on your laptop. Moreover, you also have to add the dictionaries of the python and GDAL into environment variables. However, there are perhaps more installation of Python in the laptop. Hence, you have to add the precise dictionary. The comments below the question indicate the problems which you probably have.
Nevertheless, you can use the wheel to install the GDAL. The fellowing is the steps:

  1. download the wheel from (lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#gdal)
    the website has many libraries that are very useful. Find out suitable vision for the python.

  2. Open the Windows Terminal (CMD) and use cd to convert into the python Script folder.

  3. Type "pip install (the path the wheel located in)" and enter
    the Commands in the figure below

  4. You get it when the successful massage appears
    enter image description here

I hope this could help you.

Best Answer

The Python GDAL lib is just a wrapper around a C++ library, as far as I know. The first two figures mean that it cannot find the gdal dll (the core library) but your wrapper is installed.

The third has nothing installed. I would really recommend downloading the precompiled wheel at http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#gdal it contains the gdal dll already.