[GIS] Using gdal module with ArcPy


I am trying to import gdal modules from osgeo installed in my win64x machine but I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
from osgeo import ogr
ImportError: No module named osgeo

I am using the python shell from arcgis 10.1 that comes with python 2.7.2

Best Answer

Python IDE which is installed with ArcGiS can't use GDAL modules. You have few options:

  • Install QGis and use python shell in QGis,
  • Install new Python IDE and again install GDAL libraries,
  • Install development enviroment like Eclipse, there you can set python interpreter and connect libraries installed somwhere else.

I think that first option will be easiest and fastest.