[GIS] Contour lines (*.shp) into XYZ


I downloaded a TIFF image from USGS Earth Explorer from which I determined the contour lines and saved them in a shapefile (see tutorial http://www.qgistutorials.com/en/docs/working_with_terrain.html).

I would like to convert these features to points (just as this ArcGIS tool http://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/tool-reference/data-management/feature-to-point.htm).

Each point should contain xyz information (simple CSV file or similar) which I can import as a surface elevation into FEFLOW (groundwater modelling)

I tried with MMQGIS which gives me the following output:


What I want however is:


Best Answer

In two steps:

  1. Extract nodes. Vector | Geometry Tools | Extract nodes (or from Processing Toolbox QGIS geoalgorithms | Vector geometry tools | Extract nodes
  2. Save As... the produced Nodes layer as csv file. By default, the Geometry type would be Automatic . Make sure the Layer Options is set to GEOMETRY= AS_XY. (So, basically, leave it as is).

NB the extracted nodes can create a big file. Please consider decimating it before saving it to csv.